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Certain Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Trying Cases Involving Disputes over the limitat
Time:2015-11-02 13:52:25 From:westlaw


In order to correctly try cases involving disputes over the limitation of liability for maritime claims, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the provisions of the Special Maritime Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China and the Maritime Code of the People's Republic of China and by taking into account the actual situation.

第一条 审理海事赔偿责任限制相关纠纷案件,适用海事诉讼特别程序法海商法的规定;海事诉讼特别程序法海商法没有规定的,适用其他相关法律、行政法规的规定。

Article 1 With respect to the trial of cases involving disputes over the limitation of liability for maritime claims, the provisions of the Special Maritime Procedure Law and the Maritime Code shall be applicable; if there are no provisions thereon in the Special Maritime Procedure Law and the Maritime Code, the provisions of other relevant laws and administrative regulations shall be applicable.

第二条 同一海事事故中,不同的责任人在起诉前依据海事诉讼特别程序法第一百零二条的规定向不同的海事法院申请设立海事赔偿责任限制基金的,后立案的海事法院应当依照民事诉讼法的规定,将案件移送先立案的海事法院管辖。

Article 2 In a maritime affair accident, if different liable persons apply to different maritime courts for constitution of the limitation fund for maritime claims in accordance with the provisions of Article 102 of the Special Maritime Procedure Law before filing an action, the maritime court that later initiates the case shall, in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Procedure Law, transfer the case to the maritime court that first initiated the case for jurisdiction.

第三条 责任人在诉讼中申请设立海事赔偿责任限制基金的,应当向受理相关海事纠纷案件的海事法院提出。


Article 3 A liable person who applies for constitution of the limitation fund for maritime claims in an action shall file such application with the maritime court that accepts cases involving relevant maritime disputes.

If relevant maritime disputes are accepted by different maritime courts, and a liable person applies for constitution of the limitation fund for maritime claims, such application shall be filed according to the jurisdiction agreement concerned with the maritime court that first initiates the case; if there is no jurisdiction agreement by and between the parties concerned, such application shall be filed with the maritime court that first initiated the case.

第四条 海事赔偿责任限制基金设立后,设立基金的海事法院对海事请求人就与海事事故相关纠纷向责任人提起的诉讼具有管辖权。


Article 4 After constitution of the limitation fund for maritime claims, the maritime court that establishes the fund shall have the jurisdiction over the action filed by a maritime claimant against a liable person in respect of the disputes relating to the maritime affair accident concerned.

Where the maritime claimant files an action with another maritime court, the maritime court that accepts the case shall, in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Procedure Law, transfer the case to the maritime court that establishes the limitation fund for maritime claims, unless a jurisdiction agreement has been reached between the parties concerned.

第五条 海事诉讼特别程序法第一百零六条第二款规定的海事法院在十五日内作出裁定的期间,自海事法院受理设立海事赔偿责任限制基金申请的最后一次公告发布之次日起第三十日开始计算。

Article 5 For the purposes of Paragraph 2 of Article 106 of the Special Maritime Procedure Law, the period of 15 days within which a maritime court renders a ruling shall commence from the 30th day following the day when the last public announcement on the acceptance by the maritime court of the application for constitution of the limitation fund for maritime claims is issued.

第六条 海事诉讼特别程序法第一百一十二条规定的申请债权登记期间的届满之日,为海事法院受理设立海事赔偿责任限制基金申请的最后一次公告发布之次日起第六十日。

Article 6 For the purpose of Article 112 of the Special Maritime Procedure Law, the date on which the period for application for the registration of creditor's rights expires shall be the 60th day following the day when the last public announcement on the acceptance by the maritime court of the application for constitution of the limitation fund for maritime claims is issued.

第七条 债权人申请登记债权,符合有关规定的,海事法院应当在海事赔偿责任限制基金设立后,依照海事诉讼特别程序法第一百一十四条的规定作出裁定;海事赔偿责任限制基金未依法设立的,海事法院应当裁定终结债权登记程序。债权人已经交纳的申请费由申请设立海事赔偿责任限制基金的人负担。

Article 7 Where a creditor applies for the registration of creditor's rights, which complies with relevant provisions, the maritime court shall, after constitution of the limitation fund for maritime claims, render a ruling in accordance with the provisions of Article 114 of the Special Maritime Procedure Law; if such fund fails to be established in accordance with the law, the maritime court shall render a ruling terminating the procedure for registration of creditor's rights. The application fees paid by a creditor shall be borne by the party who applies for constitution of such fund.

第八条 海事赔偿责任限制基金设立后,海事请求人基于责任人依法不能援引海事赔偿责任限制抗辩的海事赔偿请求,可以对责任人的财产申请保全。

Article 8 After constitution of the limitation fund for maritime claims, the maritime claimant may apply for preserving the property of the liable person based on a maritime claim that a liable person is unable to invoke the defense of the limitation of liability for maritime claims.

第九条 海事赔偿责任限制基金设立后,海事请求人就同一海事事故产生的属于海商法第二百零七条规定的可以限制赔偿责任的海事赔偿请求,以行使船舶优先权为由申请扣押船舶的,人民法院不予支持。

Article 9 After constitution of the limitation fund for maritime claims, if the maritime claimant applies for the seizure of the vessel on the grounds of exercising maritime liens in relation to a maritime claim that arises from the same maritime affair accident, and may be subject to limitation of liability as set forth in Article 207 of the Maritime Code, the people's court shall not uphold such application.

第十条 债权人提起确权诉讼时,依据海商法第二百零九条的规定主张责任人无权限制赔偿责任的,应当以书面形式提出。案件的审理不适用海事诉讼特别程序法规定的确权诉讼程序,当事人对海事法院作出的判决、裁定可以依法提起上诉。


Article 10 In filing an action for confirming rights, if the creditor alleges, in accordance with the provisions of Article 209 of the Maritime Code, that the liable person is not entitled to limit the liability for claims, the creditor shall make such allegation in writing. The procedure for confirmation of rights set forth in the Special Maritime Procedure Law shall not apply to the trial of such case, and the parties concerned may appeal the decision or ruling rendered by the maritime court concerned in accordance with the law.

Where two or more creditors assert that the liable persons are not entitled to limit the liability for maritime claims, the maritime court may consolidate relevant cases into one trial.

第十一条 债权人依据海事诉讼特别程序法第一百一十六条第一款的规定提起确权诉讼后,需要判定碰撞船舶过失程度比例的,案件的审理不适用海事诉讼特别程序法规定的确权诉讼程序,当事人对海事法院作出的判决、裁定可以依法提起上诉。

Article 11 After a creditor files an action for confirming rights in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 116 of the Special Maritime Procedure Law, if a determination of the fault proportion for the vessel in collision is required, the procedure for confirming rights set forth in the Special Maritime Procedure Law shall not apply to the trial of such case, and the parties concerned may appeal the decision or ruling rendered by the maritime court in accordance with the law.

第十二条 海商法第二百零四条规定的船舶经营人是指登记的船舶经营人,或者接受船舶所有人委托实际使用和控制船舶并应当承担船舶责任的人,但不包括无船承运业务经营者。

Article 12 For the purposes of the provisions of Article 204 of the Maritime Code, vessel operators shall mean registered vessel operators, or persons who, upon entrustment of the vessel owner, actually use and control the vessel and are liable for the vessel, excluding non-vessel-operating common carriers.

第十三条 责任人未申请设立海事赔偿责任限制基金,不影响其在诉讼中对海商法第二百零七条规定的海事请求提出海事赔偿责任限制抗辩。

Article 13 Failure of a liable person to apply for constitution of the limitation fund for maritime claims shall not affect such person's raising of the defense of the limitation of liability in respect of a maritime claim as set forth in Article 207 of the Maritime Code in the action.

第十四条 责任人未提出海事赔偿责任限制抗辩的,海事法院不应主动适用海商法关于海事赔偿责任限制的规定进行裁判。

Article 14 Where a liable person fails to raise the defense of the limitation of liability for maritime claims, the maritime court shall not render a ruling by initiatively applying the provisions of the Maritime Code regarding the limitation of liability for maritime claims.

第十五条 责任人在一审判决作出前未提出海事赔偿责任限制抗辩,在二审、再审期间提出的,人民法院不予支持。

Article 15 Where a liable person fails to raise the defense of the limitation of liability for maritime claims before the first instance decision is rendered, but raises such defense in the second instance or during retrial, the people's court shall not uphold such defense.

第十六条 责任人对海商法第二百零七条规定的海事赔偿请求未提出海事赔偿责任限制抗辩,债权人依据有关生效裁判文书或者仲裁裁决书,申请执行责任人海事赔偿责任限制基金以外的财产的,人民法院应予支持,但债权人以上述文书作为债权证据申请登记债权并经海事法院裁定准予的除外。

Article 16 If a liable person fails to raise the defense of the limitation of liability for maritime claims with respect to a maritime claim as set forth in Article 207 of the Maritime Code, and a creditor files an application for enforcing the liable person's property beyond the limitation fund for maritime claims based on the effective judgment document or arbitral award concerned, the people's court shall uphold such application, except where the creditor applies for the registration of creditor's rights by taking the abovementioned documents as evidence of creditor's rights, which have been approved upon ruling by the relevant maritime court.

第十七条 海商法第二百零七条规定的可以限制赔偿责任的海事赔偿请求不包括因沉没、遇难、搁浅或者被弃船舶的起浮、清除、拆毁或者使之无害提起的索赔,或者因船上货物的清除、拆毁或者使之无害提起的索赔。


Article 17 Maritime claims that may be subject to limitation of liability as set forth in Article 207 of the Maritime Code shall not include claims filed in respect of raising, removing, destructing or rendering harmless a vessel which is sunk, wrecked, stranded or abandoned or claims filed in respect of removing, destructing or rendering harmless the cargo on the vessel.

Where a liable person undergoes a claim set forth in the preceding paragraph due to collision between vessels, and the person against whom the claim is made asserts the limitation of liability for compensation in accordance with the provisions of Article 207 of the Maritime Code when the liable person seeks recovery of the compensation against the other vessel in relation to any loss arising therefrom, the people's court shall uphold such assertion.

第十八条 海商法第二百零九条规定的“责任人”是指海事事故的责任人本人。

Article 18 For the purposes of Article 209 of the Maritime Code, the term "liable person" shall mean the person who is liable for a maritime affair accident.

第十九条 海事请求人以发生海事事故的船舶不适航为由主张责任人无权限制赔偿责任,但不能证明引起赔偿请求的损失是由于责任人本人的故意或者明知可能造成损失而轻率地作为或者不作为造成的,人民法院不予支持。

Article 19 Where a maritime claimant asserts that the liable person is not entitled to limit the liability for compensation on the ground of the unseaworthiness of the vessel that has a maritime affair accident, but fails to prove that the loss giving rise to the claim results from his or her intentional act or reckless act or omission committed with knowledge of the possible loss, the people's court shall not uphold such assertion.

第二十条 海事赔偿责任限制基金应当以人民币设立,其数额按法院准予设立基金的裁定生效之日的特别提款权对人民币的换算办法计算。

Article 20 The limitation fund for maritime claims shall be constituted in Reminbi, of which the amount in terms of the special drawing right shall be computed on the basis of the method of conversation on the date of effectiveness of the ruling approving constitution of the fund rendered by the court.

第二十一条 海商法第二百一十三条规定的利息,自海事事故发生之日起至基金设立之日止,按中国人民银行确定的金融机构同期一年期贷款基准利率计算。


Article 21 For the purposes of Article 213 of the Maritime Code, the interest shall be computed on the basis of a financial institution's one-year benchmark lending interest rate quoted by the People's Bank of China for the corresponding period ranging from the date on which a maritime affair accident occurs to the date of constitution of the fund.

Where the fund is constituted by way of security, the interest thereon for the period of constitution of the fund shall be computed on the basis of a financial institution's one-year benchmark lending interest rate quoted by the People's Bank of China for the corresponding period.

第二十二条 本规定施行前已经终审的案件,人民法院进行再审时,不适用本规定。

Article 22 With respect to a case that has been concluded before the implementation of these Provisions, these Provisions shall not apply when a people's court retries the case.

第二十三条 本规定施行前本院发布的司法解释与本规定不一致的,以本规定为准。

Article 23 In the event of any discrepancy between the juridical interpretations issued by the Supreme People's Court before the implementation of these Provisions and these Provisions, these Provisions shall prevail.